Volunteer opportunities

People often ask how they can help create a prosperous future for our region. For local residents, the answer is participation! We know you have skills, expertise and passion for the area that we’d like to tap into.  Please consider joining one of our volunteer Advisory Committees or our Board of Directors.

Advisory Committee Clayoquot Biosphere Trust

Advisory Committees

As a community foundation, evaluations of applications received by the CBT are conducted by volunteers from the communities we serve. Each committee is composed of 8-10 volunteers with an interest or expertise relevant to the specific granting stream. Committees meet once or twice annually to review proposals and provide input on the CBT’s strategic direction. The CBT granting committees include: 

  • Arts & Culture
  • Community Development
  • Neighbourhood Small Grants
  • Research & Environment
  • Youth & Education

Email grants@clayoquotbiosphere.org to learn more about volunteering on a CBT granting committee.

Board of directors clayoquot biosphere trust

Board of Directors

Our Board of Directors is composed of volunteers appointed by each community in the Clayoquot Sound Biosphere Region, as well as two at-large directors. We are always open to hearing from residents interested in representing their community on the CBT Board. 

Email rebecca@clayoquotbiosphere.org to learn more about volunteering on the CBT Board.