Today for tomorrow

A donation to the CBT makes meaningful and lasting impacts in areas that are important to you. From arts and culture to research, from education to the environment, donors and funders come to us to help simplify and enhance their charitable giving in the region. We have a growing community of generous, thoughtful people who want to make connections, learn, and amplify their impact through philanthropy.

You can support the CBT by donating online. Your gift will be processed through our secure site and you will receive a tax-receipt directly via email.

To donate by cheque, please address cheques to Clayoquot Biosphere Trust Society, PO Box 67, Tofino BC, V0R 2Z0. To contribute by cheque to a specific CBT fund, use the address above and specify the fund (for example, "Tofino Community Fund") on the memo line.

Gifts of any size are welcome and donations of $20 or more will receive a tax credit for individual donors, or in the case of a corporation, a tax deduction. We are happy to talk to you about the tax benefits of your gift.

At the CBT, we use community funds to bring together people and resources, creating local solutions that make global contributions. Here's how it works:


A founding contribution from the Government of Canada has supported CBT programs and grants since our beginning in 2000. We are grateful for their investment in our region through the gift of the Canada Fund, a $12-million endowment.

Registered Charity #870641727 RR0001

The CBT’s audited financial statements are available here

The CBT's gift acceptance policy is available here.

A Gift in Your Will

Leaving a legacy through your estate plan is a powerful way to support the future health and vitality of the Clayoquot Sound Biosphere Region. Your gift will make a profound impact on west coast people, communities and ecosystems, and can be tailored to align with what you are most passionate about. But most importantly, your gift is a statement of your life experience and vision for a better tomorrow.

We are honoured to speak with anyone considering this gift of a lifetime. If you would like to learn about simple ways to leave a legacy for the future of the Biosphere Region, please reach out to Michelle Hall.

Donation of Shares

We've been helping people leave legacies and provide gifts that make a difference since 2000. Clayoquot Biosphere Trust has deep roots in the community and offer knowledge, connections, and community expertise.

A gift of securities offers considerable benefits to the donor and CBT. When publicly listed securities are donated to CBT, the tax on capital gains is eliminated. If you would like more information about making a gift of securities, please contact Michelle Hall, or please use this form if you are ready to initiate a transfer.