Climate Change

Biospheres are both learning laboratories and priority sites for climate action and monitoring. In addition to funding multiple climate change research projects each year, the CBT coordinates several ongoing projects: 


Regional Climate Action Coordination

With the communities of the biosphere region being small, spread out, and focused on their own unique issues, collaboration on climate action can be challenging. But with one road in and out and shared regional infrastructure, local leaders have identified a need for increased cooperation. CBT is piloting a project to align and advance climate action at a regional scale by reducing duplication of efforts and better integrating public, private, and non-profit activities.

Contact us to learn more and get involved! 

Q'awii / Salmonberry Monitoring

Since 2007, CBT has coordinated a citizen science effort to monitor where and when Q'awii/Salmonberry flower buds first open each spring.  Q'awii is among the first plants to flower each year, but the timing varies greatly depending on winter temperatures. With Q'awii plants abundant in the region, monitoring is a fun and easy way to get excited about springtime. By tracking the date of the first blooms each year, we can see how plants and the rest of the ecosystem, respond to climate change.

We are always looking for more monitoring volunteers to keep a keen eye for blossoms between January and April. To get involved, check out the project description and directions, then email to sign up! 

Research Cabin

The CBT research cabin is an off-grid facility in Clayoquot Sound that can accommodate up to six researchers. Facilities include a woodstove, a propane stove, and a pit toilet outside the cabin. The cabin was constructed with permission from Ahousaht Chief and Council, and CBT is excited to collaborate with Ahousaht on research happening at the facility and share results of monitoring. The cabin has been the base for scientific research including flora and fauna surveys but has also housed a "writer in residence" initiative to allow for qualitative literary observations, as well as serving as a special healing site for Ahousaht. 

Contact for more information.  

Remote Listening Project

The Sydney Inlet research cabin is now the base camp for a remote listening station, an innovative means to collect long-term monitoring data while engaging locals and visiting researchers interested in studying ecosystems by looking at the sound patterns they create. We use special microphones designed to record environmental sounds and an audio-remote sensing video camera provides supplementary information that we use for audio-interpretation.

The soundscape project began as a pilot demonstration of how to gather, index, and use monthly sound recordings, and is now expanding to be a multi-year, large scale project focusing on the acoustic ecology of marine ecosystems in Sydney Inlet in addition to land-based ecosystems.